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Read recent news articles, blogs, and announcements featuring IT at UIC. Articles share best practices, important UIC IT news, service announcements and keeps you updated on the innovative and exciting IT services and projects we are working on.

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Upcoming Changes to UIC Login Process

Technology Solutions is pleased to announce that we will be updating our authentication service as part of our efforts to modernize security and improve the technology experience at UIC. The Shibboleth single sign-on…

linkedin learning

Develop Time Management skills with LinkedIn Learning

Are you finding it difficult to stay organized at school or work? Perhaps you need some tips and pointers on how to stay organized, completing tasks and how to manage your time. LinkedIn…

Network Upgrade

UIC Installs New Network Sensors for Advanced Remote Troubleshooting

UIC Technology Solutions is now able to monitor and address network issues faster with new UXI Sensors. Installed around campus, the sensors simulate user experience with UIC’s wired and wireless networks, continuously testing…

cloud computing

UIC Launches ​​Two NEW Cloud Services for Research

Over the past decade, cloud computing has been a transformational force for numerous industries. Higher Education and Research are no exception. Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Education and Research (ACER) is excited to announce the…