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Zoom logo on a smartphone with a laptop in the background

Zoom Phone Transition Updates

Welcome to the Zoom Phone Transition Community Update Page! This is where the UIC community will find bi-weekly news and updates about our progress to transition UIC to use Zoom Phone. About the…

Student focusing on work on laptop

LinkedIn Learning January Spotlight: Learn to Plan and Do

At UIC, the start of a new year brings fresh opportunities for reflection, goal setting, and self-improvement. This January, we spotlight LinkedIn Learning courses designed to help you craft meaningful resolutions, set achievable…

UIC students studying in the Richard Daley Library

Transforming Connectivity: The Daley Library Project

The Daley Library at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) has long stood as a hub for teaching, learning, research, and collaboration. However, its network infrastructure, dating back to the building’s original construction,…

student making notes

LinkedIn Learning December Spotlight: Better Time Management

At UIC, we understand the importance of effective time management, especially with the holidays approaching. This month, we highlight LinkedIn Learning courses that focus on enhancing your time management skills. As deadlines and…

students sitting together on campus

LinkedIn Learning Spotlight: Mental Health

At UIC, we recognize the vital role of mental health in personal, academic, and professional growth. Our LinkedIn Learning Spotlight offers curated courses to support mental wellness and resilience. Discover practical tools for…