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UIC Enhancing Unified Communications Platform with Zoom Phone

We are pleased to announce that the university’s telephone service is being upgraded and transitioned to Zoom Phone, a cloud-based voice platform that combines traditional telephone service with the Zoom platform used for…

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Kick off your career with LinkedIn Learning

Kick-start your career development by exploring career paths and building the right skills aligned to your goals—with insights, expertise, and high-quality content from the world’s largest professional network. Here’s how to take steps in your…

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Celebrate World Art Day with LinkedIn Learning!

April 15th is World Art Day, and what better way to celebrate than to learn tips on how to make the most of your creative expression journey? Whether it’s traditional painting, motion graphics,…

Class Collaborate Transitioning to Zoom 6/30

UIC will be transitioning from the video tool Class Collaborate (previously known as Blackboard Collaborate) to Zoom, and other UIC-supported synchronous video systems that integrate with UIC Blackboard including Acadly Zoom, Echo360, and…