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Spot the scam image

Great job offer or scam? Spot the Scam!

I recently received an email with an amazing part-time job opportunity working three hours a week for $500, but after closer inspection, I realized it was a SCAM!

Summer of Learning

Linkedin Learning - Summer of Learning

Use this summer to polish up your skills or even learn some new ones. LinkedIn Learning has courses that can help you gain a new skill, sharpen up those soft skills, or help…

Male IT Technician Running Maintenance Programme on a Laptop

New data storage resources for UIC researchers

Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Education and Research (ACER) is pleased to announce the availability of two new data storage resources for our UIC research community: Research Data Lake and Research Data Glacier. These resources…

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UIC Enhancing Unified Communications Platform with Zoom Phone

We are pleased to announce that the university’s telephone service is being upgraded and transitioned to Zoom Phone, a cloud-based voice platform that combines traditional telephone service with the Zoom platform used for…

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Kick off your career with LinkedIn Learning

Kick-start your career development by exploring career paths and building the right skills aligned to your goals—with insights, expertise, and high-quality content from the world’s largest professional network. Here’s how to take steps in your…