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Password Unification

Enhancing user experiences

UI Health and UIC implemented a password unification initiative across the organization. This initiative aims to improve security, simplify UI Health employees' login experience, and ensure that access to various university and hospital systems is more efficient.

Unifying university and UIHealth passwords will simplify the login process and eliminate the need to remember and maintain two separate passwords.

Project Goal Heading link

Unify university and UIHealth passwords to improve the user experience with login access when working in UI Health hospitals and clinics.


  • Simplify the login process by reducing the number of credentials UI Health employees need to remember.
  • Improve the user experience by making it easier to access the university and hospital tools and resources you need.
  • Strengthen overall security by implementing streamlined password experiences and policies.


  • Managing multiple identity access management platforms
  • Inconsistent login experience
  • Increased security vulnerabilities

Timeline Heading link

The project is underway with UIH and is reported as 70% complete at this time with an estimated completion date of September 2023.

Frequently Used Questions Heading link

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