The Forward Initiative consists of strategic plans and technology roadmaps to upgrade, expand, optimize, and/or modernize three areas of campus infrastructure and technology: Data Network and Voice Systems, Data Centers and Research Cyberinfrastructure.
These three related, but distinct, areas have clear commonalities. In each area, the campus has a functional core service and quality staff, but a lack of continued investment in both human resources and equipment modernization has left each area inadequate to meet today’s UIC needs and to keep pace with peer and aspirational peer institutions.
Quote Heading link
A strong technology infrastructure is an investment in all campus strategic pillars and enables innovation throughout the organization.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Chief Information Officer|
Strategic Approach Heading link
Our approach in each of the three IT areas, Network, Data Center, and Research focuses on a lift and sustain strategy. Invest in the highest value opportunities that bring the IT capability up to date and then sustain to allow UIC to continue to drive value from the investment. Learn about each key area’s strategy, goals, and updates.
Data Center, Network and Research Heading link
2021-2024 Timeline Heading link

Forward Initiative 2021-2024 timeline with target goals and milestones