Innovate. Advance. Discover.
Under the direction of the Office of Vice Chancellor for Innovation, with the input and support of university stakeholders and leaders, UIC has defined an IT Strategy that will create inspiring opportunities for achievements in IT that bring people together, help students succeed, and advance our technology.
Focus, Purpose and Core Values Heading link
Focus, Purpose and Core Values of UIC IT Strategy
Matt Riley Quote Heading link
Our Focus guides how we prioritize and apply our resources while fulfilling our purpose. Our Purpose makes us distinct from other campus organizations. Our Core Values are the principles that we adhere to in all that we do.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Chief Information Officer|
Focus Heading link
Students First
Transform the UIC digital experience for students and their success.
Establish a track record as innovative, creative thought leaders who solve problems and influence positive changes.
Deliver secure, modern, value-driven technology infrastructure and services to enable learning and research.
Core Values Heading link
Deliver Value
Work towards benefits keeping and the needs of colleges and units in mind. Seek efficiencies leveraging existing solutions and tailoring to the needs of our customers. Provide an integrated enterprise perspective for the benefit of all at UIC. Look for the best price and total cost of ownership.
Empower People
Enable decision-making at all levels. Value professional development. Accept failure as a learning opportunity. Bring automation and enabling technologies to our customers.
Promote Equity and Inclusion
Increase diversity in our staff and create more opportunities for women in IT. Create opportunities to level the playing field with technology. Embrace the level playing field that technology provides. Look at equity for our colleges and units. Span the digital divide and increase opportunities for potential and current UIC students. Provide a base toolset for all at UIC. Include and engage IT and stakeholders across campus in technology decision-making.
Be Creative
Proactively offer solutions that provide novel and innovative approaches to challenges faced by the students, colleges, and units. Challenge the status quo. Facilitate creativity through open discussion in our tools. Focus on providing solutions early and often, learning from our mistakes, and moving forward.
IT Initiatives Heading link

To enact the IT Strategy, seven initiatives have been defined, each with its own set of goals and objectives that support the strategy.