Accessibility Guides By Software

Google Suite Heading link

Documents created in Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets can be made fully and reliably accessible, but only through the use of a third party add-on extension.

Grackle Docs is an extension that allows users to check for and easily fix access issues of documents in the Google Suite.

Coming Soon: How to Download and Launch Grackle Docs


Exporting to other kinds of files (Word Doc, PPT, etc.) will result in the loss of important accessibility metadata. In other words a perfectly accessible Google Doc will export to an inaccessible Word Document.

If you must export your Google document to PDF do so using Grackle. Otherwise author your content using the tool you intend to use to present it and recheck for accessibility any time you change platforms.

PDFs and Adobe Acrobat Heading link

Often the best options to maintain accessibility of a document is to avoid converting to PDF altogether. However, if PDF is necessary, it is easiest to create an accessible PDF from an accessible source file:

UIC Step By Step Guide to Export Word Docs to Accessible PDF

UIUC CITL PDF Accessibility Check-List (PC)

UIUC CITL PDF Accessibility Check-List (Mac)