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The UIC AI Advisory Group

UIC AI Advisory Group comprises faculty and staff representing all areas of campus. The group is broken up into subgroups focusing on disciplines of their expertise: teaching & learning, research, healthcare, and administrative operations. Each group will work collaboratively to develop principles and strategic goals in service of university-wide conversations about the role of AI at UIC and the needs associated with supporting our students, faculty and staff.

Advisory Group Charge from Vice Chancellor for Innovation Heading link

The emergence of tools like ChatGPT and other generative AI has significantly impacted higher education, presenting both challenges and opportunities. UIC has taken proactive steps in response to these changes by establishing the UIC AI Advisory Group. This committee, comprising representatives from academic departments and administrative units, aims to guide the university in navigating the evolving landscape of generative AI and driving innovation in service of our mission.

The university recognizes that generative AI can be a powerful tool, but in order to maximize the positive impact of AI we will need to manage the associated risks including biases and inaccuracy, security and privacy, and protection of intellectual property.

This moment of opportunity and unique risk requires dedicated thought leaders working collaboratively to develop strategies. This group is charged with developing and defining recommended guidelines, resources, processes, needs, best practices, and policies for the university-wide use of generative AI. These guidelines should support ethical and responsible practices, emphasizing that AI is a resource to support critical thinking but not for final decision-making.

Group Members Heading link

Teaching & Learning

Chair: Bryan Libbin



Chair: Himanshu Sharma

Co-Chair: Andrew Boyd

Administrative Operations

Chair: Jason Maslanka



Chair: David Chestek


Volunteer for the Advisory Group Heading link

To volunteer for the advisory group or provide feedback or questions, please email