Week 1: Email Phishing Poster 1
Week 1 Heading link

Cyber-criminals use phishing (a form of social engineering) to gather credentials and other information about you to either attack your accounts or service provider. A spear phish attack is a sophisticated attack in which the bad actor researches your institution (in this case UIC) and uses that information to imitate their communications and trick you into providing sensitive information. In these cases an email message from a bad actor might be closely modeled after a real University message you might have previously received, or use language common to the University.
As the UIC campus is frequently bombarded by phishing attacks, we are devoting the entire month of October to bringing more awareness to this problem and providing examples of bad emails and web pages.
Below are examples closely modeled after real spear phish emails that were received by the UIC community. One of the messages is real, can you spot the REAL UIC Email? Click the image of the one you think is a real UIC to see if you got it right.