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UIC Celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)

UIC Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day decorative image

As we celebrate the 13th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on May 16th, we invite you to join us in highlighting the importance of accessible technology at UIC.

What is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)? Heading link

The third Thursday in May is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of digital accessibility. Persons with disabilities must have the same opportunity to experience and use web-based services, content, and other digital products as those without disabilities have. GAAD serves as a reminder of the critical need for digital accessibility, ensuring that individuals with disabilities have equal opportunities to learn, work, and access information.

How does UIC support digital accessibility? Heading link

As Chicago’s largest and most diverse university, UIC is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment and has taken proactive steps to support digital accessibility, including:

Publishing the Information Communications Technology (ICT) Accessibility Policy

In November 2022, UIC introduced its Information Communications Technology Accessibility Policy, reflecting our ongoing efforts to ensure accessibility across all digital platforms. This policy reaffirms our commitment to inclusivity and equal access for all community members.

Offering Digital Accessibility Consultation Services

The university now offers UIC Digital Accessibility Consultation Services and three additional support services. These resources are designed to assist faculty, staff, and students create and maintain accessible digital content.

Acquiring an Accessibility Monitoring and Evaluation System

UIC Accessibility Monitoring and Evaluation System, powered by Deque, helps ensure that our digital content meets the highest accessibility standards. This system will play a vital role in continuously improving the accessibility of our online resources.

Establishing a Procurement and Exception Process

The UIC Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Procurement guidelines were established to provide exception reviews for services to ensure products UIC purchases or acquires are reviewed for accessibility compliance. To learn more, visit Digital Accessibility Exception Request.

Launching the Accessibility Liaison Program

The UIC Accessibility Liaison Program aims to enhance our university’s commitment to digital accessibility and inclusion. By participating in this program, liaisons will gain valuable knowledge and contribute significantly to the university’s mission of inclusivity.

UIC understands the importance of accessible technology so persons with disabilities can learn, work, participate, and access information. We will continue to support and invest in digital accessibility initiatives.

Where can I learn more about digital accessibility and GAAD? Heading link

Learn more about UIC’s commitment to accessible technology and GAAD 2024 events.

Thank you for your continued support as we strive to create an inclusive and accessible community at UIC. Together, let’s celebrate diversity and embrace accessibility for all.