UIC introduces AWS Preservation Storage Program to support researchers

We are delighted to announce that Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Education and Research (ACER) has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the UIC University Library to provide archival storage space to UIC faculty members for research funded through federal grants. The storage is hosted on Amazon’s S3 Glacier Deep Archive, which provides a low cost storage solution for data that needs to be archived for several years to meet the data retention and sharing requirements of NIH and other federal research grants. This service is also integrated with the UIC library’s INDIGO repository to help facilitate the sharing of data with other researchers.
Features Heading link
- Low cost – $12/TB/year
- Prepayments may be made from grant funds
- Long term, secure, durable
- Unlimited capacity
- Hosted at secure, off-site locations with replication
Quote Heading link
This storage service provides a mechanism for researchers to meet the data retention and sharing requirements of NIH and other federal research grants.
Research Storage Heading link
Please note that because this is archival storage, data stored on this system has a minimum storage duration period of 180 days and a retrieval wait time of 12-48 hours. As pricing from Amazon is subject to change, the costs for this service are subject to an annual review. Please visit our Preservation Storage page to learn more about the details of this service and to request storage space on the system.
ACER will also be introducing two additional storage services this summer, a general research storage service for saving infrequently accessed data and for light-archival purposes, and a new high performance storage system for researchers requiring high I/O performance.
Please use the Data Storage Finder Tool to determine the best storage service for your use case or contact us at acer@uic.edu If you have any questions.