Keep Zoom Sessions Safe and Secure from “Zoombombing”

Keeping online classrooms safe and secure is a top priority at UIC. If you are using Zoom, you may have heard of “Zoombombing” - when uninvited attendees break into a session and cause disruptions. To prevent uninvited guests, and avoid disruptions during your session, there are steps you can take to ensure your sessions are protected.
Reduce the risk of Zoombombing Heading link
- Make sure your Zoom client is up to date. Allow Zoom to update itself on your devices when prompted. This will ensure Zoom is up-to-date with the latest settings and capabilities. Visit the Zoom Installation page to learn more.
- Don’t use your personal meeting ID for meetings. UIC Zoom users have a Personal Meeting ID (PMI). When hosting a large Zoom session, or where members of the public are attending, it’s better to use the one-time unique meeting ID generated when scheduling a session rather than a user’s PMI.
- Only allow authenticated users to access meetings. Restrict your meeting to UIC students by requiring attendees to join using their University credentials.
- Don’t publicize Zoom links. The more people who are aware of the link to your meeting, the greater the likelihood of it being shared with potential intruders.
- Enable the Waiting Room feature. This allows the host to control how each participant joins the meeting. Hosts will need to admit participants to the session.
Dealing with Disturbances in Zoom Meetings Heading link
- Lock your meeting. Zoom Host Controls allow the host or co-host to lock the meeting once the expected participants have joined.
- Mute participants on entry. This will mute all participants joining your session so sessions aren’t disrupted by background noise in participant environments. During a session, hosts can unmute and mute guests in the Manage Participants menu.
- Restrict screen-sharing. As the host of a meeting, you can restrict screen-sharing so that only the host can screen share.
- Disable chat. You can disable chat for all participants or disable private chat, so participants cannot send private messages. Visit Zoom Controlling and Disabling Chats page for more information.
- Remove or put a participant on hold. If someone is disturbing a meeting, remove them from the session. If the session is locked, they will not be able to return. Another option is to put them on hold, during which time the attendee cannot see, hear, or share anything. Both of these actions are done by clicking Manage Participants at the bottom of a Zoom meeting window.
Best Practices for Teaching with Zoom Heading link
- Manage student expectations. Let your students know what you expect during your Zoom session and share Netiquette tips to ease them into this new method of learning.
- Encourage engagement from your students. Students may use the Raise Hand function, reactions, or write their questions in chat.
- Allow students to share. Give students the opportunity to share their screens to present a project or share information with the class.
- Look at the camera to simulate eye contact with your students. This helps to create a more personal connection while teaching on Zoom.
- Give an agenda or plan for each class. At the beginning of each session, share a document or slide that gives students a clear idea of how the class will progress, what will be covered, and the activities they’ll engage in.
- Read Tips & Tricks for teachers educating with Zoom.
Footer Heading link
Learn more about protecting your Zoom session at:
For questions, please reach us at
Modified on February 18, 2021