10/28 – BSB C-Stop Walk-In Support is moving to basement in the Behavioral Sciences Building

Starting Thursday, October 28, BSB C-Stop walk-in support will be moving to Room B001 in the basement of the Behavioral Sciences Building.
BSB C-Stop, located on the 1st floor of the Behavioral Science Building, offers a workspace for students to print, recharge, collaborate and get live tech support.
Starting Thursday, October 28, BSB C-Stop walk-in support will be moving to Room B001 in the basement of the Behavioral Sciences Building.
Signage will be posted to guide visitors to the new location. As a reminder, in-person support is available for the fall semester at BSB C-Stop by appointment only. Please schedule an appointment by visiting: go.uic.edu/BSB-CStop.
Modified on November 03, 2021