IT Exception Review Request
All websites, web applications, and other electronic and information resources must comply with technical accessibility standards under ICT Accessibility Policy. If achieving compliance is not possible, the ICT Accessibility Exception Request procedure must be followed.
The Accessibility Exception process does not waive the responsibility to provide the same information and content to people with disabilities. Accessibility Exception Requests must be accompanied by a plan for equally effective alternative access or a rationale for why such a plan is not possible.
An approved exception request is not an exemption from making ICT accessible permanently. Instead, it is documentation of a temporary alternative access plan until the ICT or associated service can be brought into compliance through modification, substitution with a comparable ICT, or discontinuation of use due to end of life (EOL).
UIC Digital Accessibility Decision Tree Heading link
The Digital Accessibility Decision Tree is designed to assist you in determining the most appropriate course of action. It asks a series of questions to guide you through the process and provides recommendations based on your responses.
Decision Tree for Exception Review Request
IT Accessibility Exception Request Heading link
Anyone adopting inaccessible technology must submit a request to initiate the Digital Accessibility Exception Process using the Accessibility Exception Request Form that is composed of:
1) Requester (i.e., IT staff, administrator, and faculty) information
2) Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) information
3) Justification for Exception
4) Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan(EEAAP)
Accessibility Exception Request Form
Exception Review Process Heading link
Once the request form is completed and submitted, the following steps will occur:
- College/Vice Chancellor Unit internal review by subject matter experts/IT staff who may verify or gather additional information.
- Submission to the Exception Request Process and Review by ICT Accessibility Exception Review Committee who may verify or gather additional information.
- Approved or denied by the Chief Information Officer or designee
- The request will be logged into a centrally managed database of exception requests and the requestor will be notified of the decision.
- The requester can appeal the decision to CIO, upon whose decision is final. Prior to the exception expiration, the responsible unit must complete remediation or request a renewal of the exception.